Normal – What Does That Feel Like Anyway?

It’s been a very long time since I wrote anything on this blog.  I’ve allowed myself to slip away from it, partially because I was stressing myself out with feeling that I had to write in it every single day, and partially because I put pressure on myself to always appear perfect, which is quite an impossible standard.

I’ve been working on teaching full-time, finishing up my health coach certification from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, and figuring out how to get myself 100% healthy and on the right track again.  I started a new blog to chronicle my journey, partially because I’m no longer following a strictly vegan diet.  It turns out that one of my many health issues is having adrenal fatigue.  I’ve been reading up on it and several people that were formerly vegan all agree that eating small amounts of animal protein helps the adrenals get stronger, and I need that more than anything right now.

To find out more about my health issues and what’s been going on with me, check out

Normal – What Does That Feel Like Anyway?
